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5106 Madison Pike - Unit 461 | Independence, KY 41051
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Welcome to 41051.com. Our web site contains up to date information on Independence city government. Though this is not the official City website we do offer general information to help you find what you are looking for.
The government of Independence consists of 1 mayor and 6 city council members. The mayor is elected every 4 year and city council is elected every 2 years.
View your current elected local officials
City council meetings are held on the first Monday of every month at 7pm. The location is 5409 Madison Pike. Any changes or special meetings are announced on the City's Facebook page in accordance with state regulations.
The official online record for the City of Independence Code of Ordinances is located here
City council meetings are held at Council Chambers (5409 Madison Pike) on the first Monday of each month at 7pm