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October 16, 2017 (Updated)
Rumpke Adds Additional Yard Waste Collection in Independence
Yard waste includes grass clippings, bushes, branches and leaves. Items should either be bagged or tied in bundles less than four feet in length and 2 feet in diameter. Bags and bundles shouldn’t exceed more than 35 pounds. Residents are limited to 10 bags and/or bundles of yard waste each collection week.
In general, please place leaves and grass clippings in biodegradable bags (NO PLASTIC BAGS) and bundle limbs for collection on your regularly scheduled yard waste day.
Independence residents are reminded that all regular trash placed at the curb must still be fully contained within a Rumpke trash cart, with the exception of these three scheduled yard waste collection weeks and the monthly large item collection, which is offered the first full week of service each month, at no additional cost.
This week is the 1st of 3 additional collections.